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            Expected Results pg 1
Organic Growth
Year-over-year Top-line increases typically average in the range of 12%-36% initially with triple digits commonly seen in developing markets. These increases are attributed to Advanced Marketing & Closing, Brand Advocacy, Customer Service, Product / Service Analyzation and Optimization.
* Expected results and typical returns of current clientele are aggregate to a majority and may vary.
Organic Growth is achieved through a Philosophy that as Great Customer Service, Robust Culture, Unified Brand Recognition and many other recognizable Traits built from the BusinessProfit2.2 Model are achieved, Synergy between Client, Business and Organization is a natural effect.
The initial first few years total percentage points added to the Bottom-line ranges from an average of 3%-9% depending on current base Net Profit and EBITDA. Overall, actual Bottom-line year-over-year increases will in time follow Top-line Growth once Optimizations have stabilized.
Heavy emphasis is placed on reducing Expenses while increasing overall Customer Experience, Value and Product / Service Quality. Every Business and Organization has it's own Expense signature and characteristic on how much can be reduced.
Expected Results
            Expected Results pg 2
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Investment
Return on Equity
Extreme gains in Profit and Surplus Revenue are achieved through Scaling the Business and Organization. Exponential Growth from Scalability is an important way Geometric Profit and Surplus Revenue gains can be realized.
ROIC is the next progression beyond ROE for increased Growth, Sales, Profit and Surplus and Revenue. Metrics need to monitor ROIC ensuring an acceptable Debt Ratio as it relates to both Assets and Income.
We leverage "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" to isolate and address specific aspects of the entire Business and Organization. Using "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" allows for Optimization and Strategies unique to each Profit and Surplus Revenue component.
Increased ROE is an initial indicator of results and how they relate to Total Owner and Shareholder Returns. While we place great emphasis on ROE, further examination of calculated safe Leverage, Capital and other factors should be evaluated.
Expected Results
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            Expected Results pg 1
            Expected Results pg 1
            Expected Results pg 2
            Expected Results pg 2
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            Expected Results pg 1
Organic Growth
Year-over-year Top-line increases typically average in the range of 12%-36% initially with triple digits commonly seen in developing markets. These increases are attributed to Advanced Marketing & Closing, Brand Advocacy, Customer Service, Product / Service Analyzation and Optimization.
* Expected results and typical returns of current clientele are aggregate to a majority and may vary.
Organic Growth is achieved through a Philosophy that as Great Customer Service, Robust Culture, Unified Brand Recognition and many other recognizable Traits built from the BusinessProfit2.2 Model are achieved, Synergy between Client, Business and Organization is a natural effect.
The initial first few years total percentage points added to the Bottom-line ranges from an average of 3%-9% depending on current base Net Profit and EBITDA. Overall, actual Bottom-line year-over-year increases will in time follow Top-line Growth once Optimizations have stabilized.
Heavy emphasis is placed on reducing Expenses while increasing overall Customer Experience, Value and Product / Service Quality. Every Business and Organization has it's own Expense signature and characteristic on how much can be reduced.
Expected Results
            Expected Results pg 2
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Investment
Return on Equity
Extreme gains in Profit and Surplus Revenue are achieved through Scaling the Business and Organization. Exponential Growth from Scalability is an important way Geometric Profit and Surplus Revenue gains can be realized.
ROIC is the next progression beyond ROE for increased Growth, Sales, Profit and Surplus and Revenue. Metrics need to monitor ROIC ensuring an acceptable Debt Ratio as it relates to both Assets and Income.
We leverage "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" to isolate and address specific aspects of the entire Business and Organization. Using "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" allows for Optimization and Strategies unique to each Profit and Surplus Revenue component.
Increased ROE is an initial indicator of results and how they relate to Total Owner and Shareholder Returns. While we place great emphasis on ROE, further examination of calculated safe Leverage, Capital and other factors should be evaluated.
Expected Results
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            Expected Results pg 1
            Expected Results pg 1
            Expected Results pg 2
            Expected Results pg 2
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Schedule of Services
Organic Growth
Year-over-year Top-line increases typically average in the range of 12%-36% initially with triple digits commonly seen in developing markets. These increases are attributed to Advanced Marketing & Closing, Brand Advocacy, Customer Service, Product / Service Analyzation and Optimization.
* Results are typical but will vary
Organic Growth is achieved through a Philosophy that as Great Customer Service, Robust Culture, Unified Brand Recognition and many other recognizable Traits built from the BusinessProfit2.2 Model are achieved, Synergy between Client, Business and Organization is a natural effect.
Heavy emphasis is placed on reducing Expenses while increasing overall Customer Experience, Value and Product /&nbspService Quality. Every Business and Organization has it's own Expense signature and characteristic on how much can be reduced.
The initial first few years total percentage points added to the Bottom-line ranges from an average of 3%-9% depending on current base Net Profit and EBITDA. Overall, actual Bottom-line year-over-year increases will in time follow Top-line Growth once Optimizations have stabilized.
Expected Results
Schedule of Services - copy
Return on Equity
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Investment
Extreme gains in Profit and Surplus Revenue are achieved through Scaling the Business and Organization. Exponential Growth from Scalability is an important way Geometric Profit and Surplus Revenue gains can be realized.
ROIC is the next progression beyond ROE for increased Growth, Sales, Profit and Surplus and Revenue. Great caution needs to be exercised for Debt Service, Metrics need to monitor ROIC ensuring an acceptable Debt Ratio as it relates to both Assets and Income.
Increased ROE is an initial indicator of results and how they relate to Total Owner and Shareholder Returns. While we place great emphasis on ROE, further examination of calculated safe Leverage, Capital and other factors should be evaluated.
We leverage "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" to isolate and address specific aspects of the entire Business and Organization. Using "Granular Targeted ROI Metrics" allows for Optimization and Strategies unique to each Profit and Surplus Revenue component.
Expected Results
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